Man is not important for his ego and personality. He is important because, as a soul, he is a part of God.
– Paramhansa Yogananda

Affirmation for Success
I leave behind me both my failures and accomplishments.
What I do today will create a new and better future,filled with inner joy.
– Swami Kriyananda


How to know GOD’s will
-Asha Nayaswami

AUM – The voice of GOD
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

Dealing with stress and Anxiety?
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

– Nayaswami Lahari

Be a Smile Millionaire
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

Secrets for Men & Women!
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

Power of spoken words
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

Life is for our Education & Entertainment
– Nayaswami Jaya

Manifest Dreams in Life!
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo

How to know and Turst your Inner Guidance
– Asha Nayaswami

Ask and Thou shall receive!
– Brahmachari Jemal

Challenging the EGO!
– Tyagi Narayani & Shurjo